2003年7月毕业于北京理工大学,获得学士学位;2009年3月毕业于北京理工大学,获得博士学位;2009年5月~2010年9月于新加坡南洋理工大学 (Research Fellow)进修;2010年12月~2013年1月于浙江大学光电信息工程学系工作。
1.Scattering characteristic of rolled up metamaterial cells;Progress In Electromagnetics Research,2013;第一作者;
2.Covered image of superlens ;Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 2013;第一作者;
3.Energy intensity analysis of modes in hybrid plasmonic waveguide;[J]. Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 2012. ;通信作者;
4.Approaches to achieve broadband optical transformation devices with transmuted singularity;J. Opt. Soc. Am. A,2012;第三作者;
5.Study of scattering patterns and subwavelength scale imaging based on finite-sized metamaterials;Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 2012.;第一作者;
6.Surface plasmon laser based on metal cavity array with two different mode;Optics Express,2010. ;第二作者;
7.Negative index modes in surface plasmon waveguides: a study of the relations between lossless and lossy cases;Optics Express,2010.;第一作者;
8.Metal-dielectric composite metamaterials for beam splitting and deep sub-wavelength resolutions in the far field;Optics Express,2010.;第三作者;
9.Dual refractions in metal nanorod-based metamaterials;Journal of Optics, 2010.;第四作者;
10.Polarization-independent 2D Omni-directional Photonic Band Gaps in a 1D Periodic Metal-Dielectric (Anisotropic) Structure ;Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2009.;第一作者;
11.A broad-angle polarization beam splitter based on a simple dielectric periodic structure ;Optics Express, 2007.;第一作者;
12.Polarization beam splitter base on dielectric periodic structure with different EFCs for two polarizations;Chinese Optics Letters, 2008.;第一作者;