2013.12–今 华南师范大学华南先进光电子研究院,副研究员
2013.05–2015.04 休斯顿大学德州超导研究中心,博士后(联系导师:任志锋)
2010.07–2013.12 mobilebet365365,讲师
2007.09–2010.06 南京大学物理学院,博士生(凝聚态物理,导师:刘俊明)
01. J. Chen, J. J. Liang, J. H. Yu, M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), Z. Fan, M. Zeng, X. B. Lu, X. S. Gao, and J.-M. Liu, Dynamics of distorted skyrmions in strained chiral magnets, New Journal of Physics, 20, 063050 (2018).
02. Z. Y. Chen, Z. R. Yan, Y. L. Zhang, M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), Z. Fan, X. B. Lu, X. S. Gao, and J.-M. Liu, Microwave fields driven domain wall motions in antiferromagnetic nanowires, New Journal of Physics, 20, 063003 (2018).
03. J. J. Liang, J. H. Yu, J. Chen, M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), M. Zeng, X. B. Lu, X. S. Gao, and J.-M. Liu, Magnetic field gradient driven dynamics of isolated skyrmions and antiskyrmions in frustrated magnets, New Journal of Physics, 20, 053037 (2018).
04. Z. R. Yan, Z. Y. Chen, M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), X. B. Lu, X. S. Gao, and J.-M. Liu, Brownian motion and entropic torque driven motion of domain-wall in antiferromagnets, Physical Review B 97, 054308 (2018).
05. W. P. Cai, Z. R. Yan, R. M. Liu, M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), M. Zeng, X. B. Lu, X. S. Gao, and J.-M. Liu, Magnetic impurity doping induced spin-glass state and short-range zigzag order in the honeycomb iridate Na2IrO3, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29, 405806 (2017).
06. J. Chen, W. P. Cai, M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), S. Dong, X. B. Lu, X. S. Gao, and J.-M. Liu, Helical and skyrmion lattice phases in three-dimensional chiral magnets: Effect of anisotropic interactions, Scientific Reports 7, 7392 (2017).
07. R. M. Liu, W. Z. Zhuo, J. Chen, M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), M. Zeng, X. B. Lu, X. S. Gao, and J.-M. Liu, Ashkin-Teller criticality and weak first-order behavior of the phase transitions to a fourfold degenerate state in two-dimensional frustrated Ising antiferromagnets, Physical Review E 96, 012103 (2017).
08. Z. R. Yan, M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), S. Dong, M. Zeng, X. B. Lu, X. S. Gao, and J.-M. Liu, Spin glass state and enhanced spiral phase in doped delafossite oxide CuCrO2, Physical Review B 94, 024410 (2016).
09. J. Chen, W. Z. Zhuo, M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), S. Dong, M. Zeng, X. B. Lu, X. S. Gao, and J.-M. Liu, Effect of further-neighbor interactions on the magnetization behaviors of the Ising model on a triangular lattice, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 28, 346004 (2016).
10. W. Z. Zhuo, M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), S. Dong, X. G. Li, and J.-M. Liu, Phase transitions in a frustrated biquadratic Heisenberg model with coupled orbital degree of freedom for iron-based superconductors, Physical Review B 93, 094424 (2016).
11. R. M. Liu, W. Z. Zhuo, S. Dong, X. B. Lu, X. S. Gao, M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), and J.-M. Liu, Role of further-neighbor interactions in modulating the critical behavior of the Ising model with frustration, Physical Review E 93, 032114 (2016).
12. W. Z. Zhuo, J. Chen, M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), M. Zeng, X. B. Lu, X. S. Gao, and J.-M. Liu, The fractional magnetization plateaus of synthetic triangular heterostructures: Monte Carlo simulation, Computational Materials Science 115, 104 (2016).
13. Z. R. Yan and M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), Phase transition in nonmagnetic Al-doped delafossite oxide CuCrO2: Monte Carlo Simulation, Physical Letter A, 379, 2388 (2015).
14. W. C. Li, X. Song, J. J. Feng, X. T. Jia, M. Zeng, X. S. Gao, and M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), Random exchange interaction effects on the phase transitions in frustrated classical Heisenberg model, Journal of Applied Physics, 118, 013901 (2015).
15. M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), L. Lin, L. Li, X. T. Jia, and J.-M. Liu, Quantitative calculation of polarizations arising from the symmetric and antisymmetric exchange strictions in Tm-doped GdMnO3, Chinese Physics B 24, 037509 (2015).
16. J. J. Feng, W. C. Li, M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), Y. L. Xie, Z. B. Yan, X. T. Jia, and J.-M. Liu, In-plane magnetization behaviors in the Shastry-Sutherland system TbB4: Monte Carlo Simulation, Journal of Applied Physics, 117, 17C104 (2015).
17. W. C. Li, J. J. Feng, M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), Y. L. Xie, Z. B.Yan, X. T. Jia, and J.-M. Liu, Phase transitions in classical biquadratic Heisenberg model for strained iron pnictides, Journal of Applied Physics, 117, 17E302 (2015).
18. M. H. Qin(秦明辉), S. Dong, J.-M. Liu, and Z. F. Ren*, Enhanced nematic and antiferromagnetic phases in the spin-fermion model for strained iron pnictides, New Journal of Physics, 17, 013011 (2015).
19. W. S. Lin, T. H. Yang, Y. Wang, M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), J.-M. Liu, and Z. F. Ren, Magnetization plateaus of the frustrated Ising Shastry-Sutherland system: Wang-Landau simulation, Physical Letter A, 378, 2565 (2014).
20. M. H. Qin*(秦明辉), S. Dong, H. B. Zhao, J.-M. Liu, and Z. F. Ren*,
序号 | 项目名称 | 资助机构 项目号 | 项目期限 | 资助额度 (万元) | 责任 |
1 | 单相多铁氧化物薄膜和异质结相竞争和调控的研究 | 广东高校创新强校工程特色创新项目 | 2016年01月- 2017年12月 | 10 | 主持人 |
2 | 正交钙钛矿锰氧化物薄膜多铁性调控的理论模拟研究 | 国家自然科学基金 青年科学基金项目11204091 | 2013年01月- 2015年12月 | 25 |
主持人 |
3 | 磁电功能氧化物界面的调控和原型器件研究 | 国家“973计划”项目课题 2015CB921202 | 2015年01月- 2019年12月 | 华师117 | 核心成员 |
4 | 多铁性材料异质结和原型器件的设计、制备及性能调控研究 | 国家自然科学基金重点项目 51332007 | 2014年01月-2018年12月 | 总额300, 华师90 | 第四 参与人 |
1. 2017.07 银川,中国材料大会,口头报告
2. 2016.09 北京,中国物理学会秋季会议,张贴和口头报告
3. 2016.07 湘潭,凝聚态物理和统计物理会议,张贴和口头报告
4. 2016.04 合肥,全国磁学理论会议,张贴和口头报告
5. 2015.09 长春,中国物理学会秋季会议,张贴报告
6. 2014.11 美国夏威夷,第59届MMM会议,张贴报告
7. 2012.06 香港,国际集成铁电会议,口头报告
8. 2012.09 广州,中国物理学会秋季会议,分会邀请报告
1. 2017年广东省大学生挑战杯特等奖优秀指导教师(严政人、卓伟壮、陈军、蔡婉萍)
2. 2017年研究生国家奖学金指导教师(刘汝梅)
3. 2016年华南师范大学挑战杯特等奖指导教师
4. 2014年研究生国家奖学金指导教师(冯嘉俊)
5. 2013年全国大学生挑战杯三等奖、广东省特等奖指导教师(黄伟川、霍流、田国)。
6. 南京大学固体微结构国家重点实验室优秀成果奖 固体微结构国家重点实验室2009
Researcher ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/J-2205-2015
通讯地址: 广州大学城华南师范大学理5栋512室 510006